Little gay anime boys

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In neighboring Malaysia, the Film Censorship Board said if cuts were not made, the film would not be screened in the country. Rommy Fibri Hardiyanto, head of Indonesia's censoring office overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture, told AFP that Disney has not offered a re-cut version of 'Lightyear.' Indonesia - the world's largest Muslim-majority country - said it had not banned the film, 'but suggested the owner of the movie think about their audience in Indonesia where an LGBT kissing scene is still considered sensitive.' Regulators in the United Arab Emirates this week announced they were banning the movie for 'violation of the country's media content standards,' tweeting a picture of titular hero Buzz Lightyear in a red 'No' symbol. Disney's latest animation 'Lightyear,' which features a same-sex kiss, has been denied release in more than a dozen mainly Muslim countries, a source close to the company told AFP on Tuesday.Ĭountries across Asia and the Middle East have refused to give Pixar's 'Toy Story' spinoff a showing, in the latest development for parent company Disney as it tries to navigate differing public and political attitudes on LGBTQ issues.

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